Accredited by NAAC 'A' grade (2nd cycle)

Accredited by NAAC 'A' grade (2nd cycle)

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M.Ed Course

Course Details: M.Ed

Those who have successfully completed the B.Ed. course can pursue a Masters Degree in Education. This is a professional course leading to a Master Degree in Education. The duration of the course shall be 2 years comprising two full academic years following annual pattern. The course of study shall be face to face. Regular attendance is compulsory for the requisite number of lectures besides practical training, field-based internship and dissertation-related works.

Duration of Course: 2 year

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M.Ed. (Two-Year) Semester Pattern under CBCS-programme Structure and Semester-wise Distribution of Courses

The two-year M.Ed. Programme is comprised of five inter-related curricular areas – (i) Perspective Courses (ii) Tool Courses (iii) Teacher Education Course (iv) Specialization of Core Course, and (v) Specialization of Thematic Courses. All the courses include in-built field based units of study, dissertation and practicum work tailored to suit the requirements of prospective teacher educators. Transaction of the courses shall be done using a variety of approaches, including academic writing, self-development activities, and field visits.

  • SOP1: Able to demonstrate the competencies of teacher educators
  • SOP 2: Understand the historical, philosophical and sociological implications of education
  • SOP 3: Able to serve as educational psychologists and counsellors
  • SOP 4: Able to provide constructive feedback to restructure the elementary and secondary teacher education programmes and teacher preparation process
  • SOP 5: Capable of designing and developing curriculum and other learning resources
  • SOP 6: Able to demonstrate the research skills by undertaking research projects
  • SOP 7: Realises the values of learner-centred instruction
  • SOP 8: Actively participate in educational measurement and evaluation processes
  • SOP 9: Capable to serve as educational planners, administrators, managers, supervisors and other positions in the field of education
  • SOP 10: Able to provide solutions to educational problems
  • SOP 11: Able to suggest measures for effective functioning of various agencies including the regulatory bodies to enhance the quality of teacher education
  • SOP 12: Understand education as a separate discipline
  • SOP 13: Capable of using the information and communication technologies (ICTs) in teaching-learning process
  • SOP 14: Understand the importance of early childhood care and education
  • SOP 15: Realises the importance of education in improving the status of women and addressing their issues
  • SOP 16: Understand the emerging trends in education for children with special needs
  • SOP 17: Explain the skills needed to successfully complete the field internship, practicum components and dissertation works
Sl.No. Name of the Course Number of Courses Total Credits
1. Perspective Courses (PC) 8 32
2. Tool Courses (TC) 4 16
3. Teacher Education Course (TEC) 1 4
4. Specialization: Core Course (SCC) 1 4
5. Specialization : Thematic Courses (STC) 2 8
6. Dissertation - 9
7. Practicum - 13
8. Online Courses 2 4
Total 90



Type of Course Course Code Name of the Course Marks Total Credits
PC MS1PC1 Historical and Political Economy of Education in India 30 70 100 4
MS1PC2 Advanced Educational Psychology 30 70 100 4
TC MS1TC1 Basics in Educational Research 30 70 100 4
TEC MS1TEI Teacher Education in India: Elementary Level 30 70 100 4
MS1TE2 Teacher Education in India: Secondary Level
Dissertation MS1DN1 Review of Literature, Problem Identification and Writing Research Proposal 25 - 25 1
Practicum MS1PM1 Field Immersion in the Co-operative Schools (10 Working Days) 25 - 25 1
MS1PM2 Self-Development: Yoga 50 - 50 2
Total 220 280 500 20

Dissertation: In the first semester, the students have to identify two different research problems, write research proposals for the same and submit them to the concerned College / Department. The Principal / Head of the Department shall constitute a three member Research Advisory Committee including the supervisor of the candidate and two other senior teachers working in the institution at the M.Ed. level to monitor the research activities of the College / Department. The Research Advisory Committee shall scrutinise and finalise the research proposals. Then the Principal shall send the proposals (two) to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University for further scrutiny and approval. The Research Advisory Committee shall evaluate the dissertation related work and award the internal marks for the students.

Practicum: (a) Field Immersion in the Co-operative Schools (10 Working Days)

The prospective teacher educators shall be present in the co-operative schools concerned to the Teacher Education Institutions and prepare a reflective report upon the administration, curriculum transaction, mode of evaluation and student-teachers‘ curricular and co-curricular activities. The report of the same has to be submitted to the concerned College / Department.

(b) Self-Development Programme: Yoga

The prospective teacher educators shall demonstrate and conduct 10 sessions of Yoga to the students of the Co-operative schools. The procedures of these activities have to be recorded and submitted to the concerned College / Department.

The Principal / Head of the Department shall constitute a three member Evaluation Committee consisting three senior teachers working in the institution at the M.Ed. level to assess all the practicum related works/records (excluding the dissertation related work) and award the internal marks for the students.


Type of Course Course Code Name of the Course Marks Total Credits
PC MS2PC3 Philosophy of Education 30 70 100 4
MS2PC4 Curriculum Design and Development 30 70 100 4
TC MS2TC2 Advanced Educational Research and Statistics 30 70 100 4
STC MS2ST1 Planning and Administration of Elementary Education 30 70 100 4
MS2ST2 Planning and Administration of Secondary Education
Dissertation MS2DN2 Presentation of Research Proposal 25 - 25 1
Practicum MS2PM3 Field Visit to Teacher Education Institutions (10 Working Days) 25 - 25 1
MS2PM4 Psychology Practical (Minimum 10) 50 - 50 2
Total 220 280 500 20

Dissertation: In the second semester, the Principal / Head shall arrange a Research Colloquium to enable each student give a presentation on his/her research proposal. The Research Advisory Committee shall evaluate the candidate‘s performance and award the internal marks to him/her.

Practicum: (a) Field Visit to Teacher Education Institutions (10 Working Days)

The prospective teacher educators shall visit and write reflective reports on any one of the Teacher Education Institutions that is engaged in developing innovative curriculum and pedagogic practice, educational policy planning, educational management and administration, etc. The reflective reports should be submitted to the concerned College / Department.

(b) Psychology Practical

Each prospective teacher educator is expected to conduct a minimum of 10 practical (5 Experiments and 5 Paper-pencil Tests) during the second semester (List of practical is given in the syllabus of Advanced Educational Psychology). The practical records should be submitted to the concerned College / Department. The three members Evaluation Committee shall assess the practicum related works/records and award the internal marks for the students.


Type of Course Course Code Name of the Course Marks Total Credits
PC MS3PC5 Sociology of Education 30 70 100 4
MS3PC6 Advanced Techniques of Instruction 30 70 100 4
TC MS3TC3 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 30 70 100 4
SCC MS3SC1 Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment at Elementary Level 30 70 100 4
MS3SC2 Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment at Secondary Level
Dissertation MS3DN3 Selection/Development of Research Instruments and Data Collection 25 - 25 1
Practicum MS3PM5 Field Based Internship in Co-operative Schools (5 Working Days) 25 - 25 1
MS3PM6 Field Based Internship in Teacher Education Institutes (15 Working Days) 50 - 50 2
Total 220 280 500 20

Dissertation: In the third semester, each peospective teacher educator has to select/develop the research tools/instruments and collect the data pertaining to his/her research problem. The Principal / Head shall arrange a Research Colloquium to enable each student give a presentation on adoption/development of research tools/instruments related his/her research. The Research Advisory Committee shall evaluate the process involved in the adoption/development of tools/instruments by the candidates and award the internal marks to him/her.

Practicum: (a) Field based Internship in Co-operative Schools (5 Working Days)

The peospective teacher educators shall observe the teaching and other co-curricular activities of students both at Level I & II in the Co-operative Schools and submit their reflective records to the concerned College / Department.

(b) Field Based Internship in the Teacher Education Institution (15 Working Days)

Each prospective teacher educator shall be attached with their parent Teacher Education Institution or any one of the Teacher Education Institutions for field immersion for a period of 15 days continuously to undertake the activities specified below.

The prospective teacher educators shall be engaged handling 12 classes during the field immersion in their parent Teacher Education Institution or nearby Teacher Education Institution affiliated to TNTEU offering B.Ed Programme.

Each prospective teacher educator shall submit their field based/attachment appraisal reports duly endorsed by the Mentor as well as by the Head of the Institution, where he/she is attached with and the same is to be submitted to the concerned College / Department. The three members Evaluation Committee shall assess the practicum related works/records and award the internal marks for the students.


Type of Course Course Code Name of the Course Marks Total Credits
PC MS4PC7 Educational Studies 30 70 100 4
MS4PC8 Comparative Education 30 70 100 4
TC MS4TC4 ICT on Teaching and Learning 30 70 100 4
STC MS4STC3 Early Child Care and Education 30 70 100 4
MS4STC4 Trends in Indian Higher Education
MS4STC5 Women‘s Education
MS4STC6 Guidance and Counselling
MS4STC7 Education for Differently-Abled
Dissertation MS4DN4 Dissertation - 60 100 4
MS4DN5 Viva-Voce - 40 2
Practicum MS4PM7 Hands on Training 50 - 50 2
MS4PM8 Communication Skills: Academic Writing 50 - 50 2
Total 220 380 600 26
Online Courses MS4OC1 MOOC-SWAYAM-1 (Not less than 4 weeks) - - - 2
MS4OC2 MOOC-SWAYAM-2 (Not less than 4 weeks) - - - 2
The M.Ed. students should complete the online courses on their choice and the Course Completion Certificates need to be submitted to the TNTEU through the concerned College / Department before the commencement of fourth semester theory examinations. 30

Dissertation: In the fourth semester, the peospective teacher educators have to complete the data analysis, interpretations and submit the dissertation before the commencement of the fourth semester theory examinations.

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